2000 Olympics
Brian Leonard, a photographer based in Sydney sent these to me. Pretty great. Brian's email address runningfilm@one.net.au

David Kent Photo by Brian Leonard

Ellyn Feinroth & David Green Photo by Brian Leonard

Don Rosso Photo by Brian Leonard

Maureen Grise Photo by Brian Leonard

Steve Moody & me Photo by Brian Leonard
Sunday September 24
The S.I.L.T.S.U (Sports Illustrated Lab Technician Support Union), hereby declares it's intention to undertake legal proceedings against S.I. inc's persistant and knowledgeable breach of the Employment Act 1972
(nsw). s13a)i) employees will not be placed under duress to grasp once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, especially those of an olympic nature.
s17b) the workplace shall not, without reasonable excuse, become a hive of bacchanale activity.
s23A.a) unless unavoidable due to the nature of the occupation, employees shall not be unduly subjected to sustained periods of music and an inexhorable urge to dance.
s31a)i)A. employees shall not be subjected to unstructured periods of time nor forced to pursue frivolity in such aforementioned perods, nor
s42a)i)A. any attempt by employers to raise renumeration of employees without sufficient notice or reason is forbidden, especially when such an attempt raises national income through the impulse buying, by the said employees, of olympic merchandise at overly grandiose retail outlets.
s5/b)i) with reference to
s42a)i)A., a sentence tariff will be imposed when such purchases by the said employees result in physical, emotional, or mental insult being inflicted upon them upon their return home. Unless the above breaches are compensated via a substantial out-of-court-or-this-world settlement, the S.I.L.T.S.U regretfully sees no other option but the obvious one before it... that is, litigation. yours sincerely, SILTSU (S.I. Lab Tech Support Union) *payment may be made in coffee and beer
Thursday September 7 Ok I hate whiners but I can see my breath as I sit here and type. Brrrrrr.
Tuesday September 5 Things got busy for a few days. We are connected to the office in New York, so I have email and web access. The Processors are in, all the network cable is in place and certified. I have a ton of computers to set up in the next week.
Monday August 28 Set up strobes in an arena today, the last time was in 1987. The Olympic park is very pretty, I have never seen this many buildings in one place built for a 2 week long event.
Sunday August 27, My Olympic saga starts Door to door 27 hours 15 min NYC to Sydney. That is a loooong flight, I got 14 hours of sleep, I must be current now.