Acrew CCNA-CCDA 2001
Thursday May 3, 2001
This is my last day at Acrew, we have 3 inches of snow on the ground. It is very pretty mountains, pines, snow, May can't beat that combo. I have one more test to take, CCDA then I fly home.
I passed the Cisco CCDA exam today got a 902 out of 1000.
My fight to LGA got canceled, got on a flight to Newark that was a bit latter. We were near Chicago when an engine flamed out. The plane dropped 20,000feet while the pilot tried to relight it, they gave up after 30 min. Turned around and flew to Minneapolis (thunder showers in Chicago, did not want to land one engine down in bad weather) We waited for a new plane then flew home. I got in at 2:00am.
Got a charter membership plaque from Microsoft for being one of the first 2000 people to earn a Windows 2000 MCSE.
Wednesday May 2 2001
It was hot and sunny yesterday, today we have heavy snow. Big pretty flakes. Evergreen CO is at 8,000 feet.
Monday April 30 2001
I passed the Cisco CCNA exam today got a 946 out of 1000.
Thursday April 26th 2001

I am back at Acrew for a CCNA/CCDA boot camp. I am in the View Room again.