Acrew CCNP & CCDP bootcamp
Todd C. King
Markus Kaufmann (private)
(work) Bob Nawrocki
Dean Mooney
Ivan Larsen Larsen.Ivan@Broadband.ATT.Com
Craig Bellusci PCI Software, Inc.
Tuesday July 24, 2001 Passed my last test, 640-025: Cisco Internetworking Design got a 832 needed 755 to pass. I am now a CCNP & CCDP, nice to have this behind me. I am flying home to NYC this afternoon.
Monday July 23, 2001I saw 2 more bears, they walked across the driveway as I was eating dinner, very cool.
Sunday July 22, 2001Passed one more test today, 640-506: Cisco Internetworking Troubleshooting Support I got a 942 needed a 692 to pass. I am a CCNP now. Tuesday I take the last test.
Friday July 20, 2001
I saw a black bear today, I think it was a teen.
Thursday July 19, 2001
Passed one more, 640-505: Cisco Building Cisco Remote Access Networks got an 830 needed 706 to pass. 2 more to go.
Monday July 16, 2001
Passed another test, 640-503: Cisco Building Scalable Cisco Networks, got an 827 needed 690 to pass. I have 3 more to go...
Thursday July 12, 2001

In am back at Acrew, in the view room. I am taking the CCNP/CCDP bootcamp. Today I passed the Switching test 640-504, got an 890.