Acrew Mcse 2000
8-23-2000 Done, MCSE for me
I tried the, 070-220: Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network exam again, passed this time. Nice to be done
8-20-2000 Day 16: I am going home
I flubbed the 070-220 exam, bummer eh
Our last sunrise in Evergreen.

CREDIT: Lori Grey
A list of tests
8-19-2000 Day 15 still in MCSE boot camp

CREDIT: Lori Grey
8-18-2000 Day 14 still in MCSE boot camp
Passed the Network Admin 70-216 test and Network Design 70-221 . 6 down 1 to go.
8-16-2000 Day 12 still in MCSE boot camp
My mind is starting to wander a bit.

CREDIT: Lori Grey

CREDIT: Lori Grey
8-15-2000 Day 11 still in MCSE boot camp

Passed my AD Admin test 70-217. Passed AD Design 70-219 also. 4 down 3 to go.
I have 2 tests comming up on Friday Network Admin 70-216 and Network Design 70-221
This class has nine sudents and we do everything as a group, eat, classroom, study. Feels like an Olympics except that we all like each other.
8-12-2000 Day 8 still in MCSE boot camp
Passed my 2000 Pro test 70-210, passed the Server version as well 70-215.
We start studying Active Directory in the morning. We have a 3.5 hour (70-219 AD Design) and a 2 hour (70-217 AD Admin) test on Tuesday.
This is my first free time in 8 days. I have from 5:30pm till 11:00 with no commitments.
Just outside of my bedroom.
CREDIT: Lori Grey

CREDIT: Lori Grey
Joel, one of my classmates had a dream last night. He was holding his 2000 server book in front of his face, but could not remember how to give himself read permission.
I have the coolest room, the head of my bed is against a large bay window looking out to a forest. At night I can look up and see stars. All the rooms have names, mine is the "View Room".
I started a 16 day Windows 2000 "boot camp" today. Pretty great. The class is run by Acrew, in Evergreen Colorado. We are in a large house with 9 bedrooms and a classroom. We get up walk 4 feet eat breakfast, walk upstairs turn right walk 20 ft sit down for 4 hours, eat lunch, sit for 5 hours eat dinner. Group study till 9:30. Then read till I can stand no more.
3 women 6 men 5 beards
It sounds grim but is fun.